


``Arthure, a visionary man with his feet anchored in the earth``

If he hadn’t been a painter, he would certainly have been a good foreman at Peugeot. But the experience in a factory only lasted for 3 years!… He was convinced that he was meant for something different.

Once he had stepped over, he was at the start of leading a bohemian life for years to come. Arthure was ready to deprive himself as long as he could paint again and again. He lived off fishing, mushroom picking, growing vegetables out of his birth village, Velles (Haute-Marne, France).

At the end of summer 1979, he would migrate to the south of France to help harvesting, it is in the iconic artist café that he met Valérie, a professor at the conservatory of classic guitar. Two artists if you will, what could be a better combination. In parallel to her career she was also his agent, marketer and constant support as well as the mother of their daughter Yovhanna.

Arthure’s career and reputation gradually increased with collectors in his department, region, and then national and international. At the end of the nineties Arthure’s work was known in countries such as Japan, Korea, Switzerland, Belgium and many more. He participated to numerous international contemporary art exhibitions, as well as hosting countless solo exhibitions around the world and all year round. The first of two books on his life was published in 2002.

In 2012, Arthure has been invited at the European Parliament for a solo exhibition. Later on he was the central artist of the “Salon des place d’Or” hosted in the Parisian palace Le Meurice and was introduced officially to the prime minister, Mr Raffarin. Arthure was recognised on national TV and newspapers with several interviews since the start of his career, becoming an iconic contemporary French artist of the 21st century.

Artist visionary in many aspects. Each of his paintings and sculptures are the fragment of a message, of whom he is the calligrapher. We contemplate his masterpiece for it natural strength, its presence which imposes his unique style. More than a style, it is a signature!

Written by Yovhanna Billard and inspired by the book “Arthure” by JL. Normand


``Artist and visionary, Arthure is one. He imposed himself for more than 38 years as a major French creator. From his oil paintings to his polychrome metallic sculptures, true worldwide creation, the symbolic style of the Langres's painter has become an international signature. A French artist recognised from Japan to the USA, Belgium to Canada, but remains deeply attached to his region Champagne-Ardenne`` JL. Normand

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